
    Counselling Agreement with the Client

    Welcome to Mindology! This document contains important information about the counselling services provided through Mindology. Should you have any questions, please reach out to us at support@mindology.hk

    This Agreement (the “Counselling Agreement”) is made on 27/07/2024 in Hong Kong between Mindology Limited (“Mindology”, “we”, “the Company”) - Company Registration number 73884215, and

    (the “Client”) for the provision of counselling services (“Counselling Services”) to the client through the undersigned counsellor (the “Counsellor”). We operate the websites: mindology.hk and mindology.com.hk (the “Platform”).

    IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:

    (1) Assignment of the Counsellor

    The Counsellor under this Counselling Agreement will be

    (2) Counselling Services

    Mindology’s role is limited to providing the Platform, enabling you to access Counselling Services. The Counselling Services and the therapeutic process are the responsibility of the Counsellor who provides them. Any information or treatment received from the Counsellor comes from them alone, and not from the Company.

    (3) Limitations of Counselling Services

    This Platform is not suitable for individuals with imminent life-threatening risks to themselves or other people, or individuals with severe psychiatric disorders. If you are considering harming yourself or others, or if you have any medical emergency, please contact your local emergency hotline immediately.

    (4) Confidentiality

    Confidentiality is a significant component of the therapeutic relationship. Everything discussed in the session with your Counsellor is kept strictly in confidence. However, if there is convincing evidence that you (the Client) intend to harm yourself or others, the Counsellor will need to break confidentiality, or when legal requirements demand that confidential information must be revealed, by way of informing government emergency services (such as the police or hospital services), or any other appropriate third party. Whenever possible, you will be informed of this.

    (5) Code of Ethics

    The Counsellor will adhere to the code of ethics of their respective professional mental health association(s).

    (6) Sessions

    Each individual counselling session lasts 50 minutes. Each couples/ family therapy session lasts 75 minutes. Whether you choose to attend or not, the Counsellor will be present for the entire time of the session. If you arrive partway through your allotted time, the Counsellor will see you for the remainder of the time.

    (7) Cancelation

    We understand you may need to cancel or reschedule your appointment due to unexpected circumstances. As such, please email support@mindology.hk or your Counsellor at least 24 hours prior to your appointment for cancelation or rescheduling of your appointment. Cancellations within 24 hours will incur a 100% charge.

    The Counsellor will give you as much notice as possible if he or she is unable to make a session. In the event that the Counsellor needs to miss your session because of any valid reason, you will be given as much notice as possible, and offered an alternative time. Sessions missed due to the Counsellor's unavailability are not charged for.

    (8) Fees

    Payment is due in advance of your session. Payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express via Mindology’s Platform, or through PayMe and/or bank transfer.

    (9) In-person contact outside sessions

    Should you happen to come across the Counsellor outside of your session, please be aware that you will not be greeted by him or her. This is to protect your privacy and maintain confidentiality. This is especially important if you are with other people. If you acknowledge them openly, they will respond in an appropriate and professional manner.

    (10) Personal phone and all social media

    Please do not invite the Counsellor to join you on any social media platforms. To protect the privacy of you and the Counsellor, sharing of personal contact information is not permitted. If you wish to contact your Counsellor, you may reach the Counsellor’s Mindology email. Furthermore, Mindology and your Counsellor will only contact you through the email or phone number you provided.

    (11) Termination

    You will normally know when you are ready to end the therapeutic relationship. You can address this issue with the Counsellor during a session. We ask that you give at least one weeks’ notice before finishing so that you can have the chance to discuss your decision, but there will be no pressure on you to continue with counselling. Mindology reserves the right to terminate therapy.

    (12) Recordings

    Video or audio recording of any session is strictly prohibited by both parties. This is to protect your privacy and to maintain confidentiality.

    (13) Data Protection Statement

    The only information Mindology keeps is the Client’s name, age, email, phone number, HKID, appointment dates, the Counselling Agreement, and payment record for scheduling and administrative purposes.

    The Counsellor will have access to the information Mindology retrieved, in addition to sensitive information you provide through the intake form and during your counselling sessions. This may include information concerning gender, sexuality, racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, physical or mental health, relationships, sexual life, etc.

    The Counsellor is responsible for record-keeping, data management, and safeguarding of all information related to your counselling sessions. Your personal data will be used by the Counsellor to guide the therapeutic process and kept confidential in accordance with Clause (5) of this Counselling Agreement. The Company does not have access to the information you provide through the intake form and during your counselling sessions.

    The Counsellor will take all reasonable steps to protect your personal data collected during counselling and not use or disclose such information other than for the purposes for which it was collected and consistent with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

    (14) General

    (a) You have read and agreed to the terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) retrieved from mindology.hk/terms-and-conditions.

    (b) The Counselling Agreement is to be performed in good faith by both parties.

    (c) The Counselling Agreement is governed by the laws of Hong Kong.

    (d)   Please read the following statement of this Counselling Agreement carefully :-

    As a Client, you hereby release us and agree to hold us harmless from any and all causes of action and claims of any sort resulting from the Counselling Services or the Platform, including (without limitation) any act, omission, opinion, advice, information, and/or service of any Counsellor and/or any other content or information accessible through the Platform.

    Agreed and accepted by the Client

    Name :





    Date: 27/07/2024

    *For children under the age of 18, parents / legal guardians are required to also sign on their behalf. Please click on the box below to fill the parents / legal guardian form

    Name of Parent/ Guardian

    Parent/ Guardian HKID:

    Relationship to child:

    Parent/ Guardian Signature:

    Date: 27/07/2024

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