Subconscious Beliefs
Are Subconscious Beliefs Limiting Your Success and Keeping You Stuck?
In this issue, we explore a topic that often lurks in the shadows, silently obstructing or sabotaging our journey to success: limiting beliefs. There is a profound connection between these beliefs and our ability to reach our full potential. These deep-seated, often unconscious, beliefs may be at the root of less than satisfactory results or careers by causing us to take inadequate action or even non-action.
What Are Limiting Beliefs?
Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained ideas and perceptions that we hold about ourselves, others, and the world around us. In essence, limiting beliefs are the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what’s holding us back. These stories often contain self-imposed limitations or perceived limitations imposed by others thus restricting our aspirations, curtailing our actions and keep us from stepping into our best selves. These limiting beliefs often manifest as thoughts such as “I’m not smart enough”, “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t have what it takes” or even “I will never succeed”. These beliefs often are rooted in our past due to negative experiences, childhood conditioning, societal norms, or misguided advice. In fact, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton in his book The Biology of Belief, states that up to 70% of beliefs we acquire before the age of seven may be self-sabotaging or disempowering. Over time, we accept these notions as truths, unconsciously allowing them to dictate our choices and our future. Limiting beliefs act as self-fulfilling prophecies, creating a feedback loop that reinforces our negative assumptions. When we feel unworthy or not good enough, we subconsciously seek evidence to validate these beliefs. Any perceived failure or non-optimal event that occurs we, rather than objectively appraising it to determine its more plausible cause, automatically see it as evidence that confirms our beliefs. Each time these limiting thoughts are accepted as truths, they begin manifesting more often and become a self-fulfilling prophecy over time. Eventually, this may lead to avoiding taking risks, shying away from opportunities, and settling for less than we desire. Our potential remains untapped, and we remain stagnant, living far below our true capabilities.
The Impact of Limiting Beliefs
An example of a limiting belief is: “I’m not smart or capable enough to succeed”, and it may show up in life as follows:
A student, who is noticeably talented in conveying a message as well as clearly and concisely arguing his point in discussions shies away from furthering his studies in law (a career he knows is ideal for him) because he is afraid that he may not be good enough at the many class presentations that are an integral part of acquiring a Law degree. He also doesn’t feel he is smart enough to pursue graduate studies upon completion of his undergraduate degree. This leaves him settling for a low-paying job and deeply unfulfilled because he is not utilizing his true talents.
In this example we can clearly see how limiting beliefs can hold someone back. This individual believes he lacks the intelligence or abilities required to pursue his desired profession. As a result, he avoids pursuing career opportunities or advanced education, underestimates his skills, and ultimately limits his professional growth and success.
Overcoming Limiting Beliefs
Now that we understand the significance of limiting beliefs in underachievement, let’s explore steps we can take to break free from their grip:
- Identify and Challenge:
Begin by identifying your limiting beliefs. Pay attention to negative self-talk and recurring thoughts that hinder your progress. Challenge these beliefs by questioning their validity and seeking evidence to the contrary.
- Reframe and Replace:
Replace limiting beliefs with empowering, positive thoughts. Reframe your self-talk to focus on your strengths, potential, and past achievements. Develop affirmations that reinforce your abilities and potential for success.
- Seek Support:
Surround yourself with a supportive network. Seek out mentors, coaches, or therapists who can provide guidance and encouragement. Their expertise and perspective can help you challenge and overcome limiting beliefs.
- Take Action:
Break the cycle of underachievement by taking consistent action. Start small and gradually push yourself outside your comfort zone. Each small success will reinforce your new empowering beliefs and propel you forward.
- Embrace Growth Mindset:
Adopt a growth mindset, believing that abilities can be developed through effort and learning. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and view setbacks as valuable lessons rather than confirmations of your limiting beliefs.
Regardless of when these beliefs form, they can be identified, and then challenged and reframed into more empowering beliefs through various psychological techniques, therapy, and personal development practices.
Remember, success is not limited to a chosen few. It’s available to anyone willing to challenge their limiting beliefs, put in the effort, and persevere. It’s time to believe in ourselves, take action, and watch as success becomes an inevitable outcome.
Wishing you a transformative journey towards limitless achievement!